Reflecting on MURKY GLASS

I’ve experienced a hectic stretch in this, the first quarter of 2023.  Though I’ve been concluding and reconfiguring several writing products, most of these distracting demands have been rather conventional (read:  occupation-based chores).  Nevertheless, I’ve been accompanied by companions to fend off the fiends of discouragement. While Ross MacDonald’s Lew Archer occasionally provides doses of sardonic consolation, it’s the familiar voices of my contemporaries which have, lately, resonated with more clarity.

I recently finished C.M. Muller’s Murky Glass:  A Novel of Horror For Young Readers.  Despite the occasional, possibly convenient, claim that we “grow out of” certain childhood proclivities, the truth is that artists never fully remove their fingers from the pulse of those loves.  

Murky Glass is not so much a reflective love letter to our collective literary lanterns (though there exists an overarching nod toward Something Wicked This Way Comes), rather, it provides a circumstantial landscape where, well, magic emerges.

There’s been some discussion (rumors?) of the discontinuance, or possibly the hiatus, of the Nightscript series, which has, presently, generated eight volumes; and with each volume, Muller has amplified the voices of, in many cases, unknown writers whose work deserves a stage, while simultaneously distilling an impressive reputation.

Writer David Surface recently referred to Muller’s Nightscript as “legendary.”  And that’s accurate.  As an independent press, Muller has steadfastly maintained both his artistic vision and his dependable commitment to quality.   

For over a decade, and in addition to his own collections of tales, Hidden Folk and Secondary Roads, Muller has produced several projects, what I would classify as contemporary classics:  Oculus Sinister, Twice-Told, and the approaching Come OctoberChthonic Matter is Muller’s latest undertaking, what is slated to be a quarterly publication, each installment containing eight stories from the “darkside.” 

With Murky Glass, Muller is extending his reach to not only cleverly acknowledge the beloved, horror-rooted accords of our predecessors, but to wave in and welcome the next permutation of eager readers.

“Feast Your Eyes…” on Grand October…

With about a month until it’s release, preorders are now available for Nightscript, Vol. VII. Both paperbacks and Kindle editions with be released on October 1, 2021.

For the past seven years, the annual arrival of C.M. Muller’s Nigthscript anthology has been a harbinger of of the Halloween season. But festivities aside, Muller, as editor of various volumes (see Oculus Sinister and Twice-Told), has an astute sense of contemporary tonality; and as such, and as with previous installments, it’s an honor to add some ink to Nightscript. My story, “Feast Your Eyes on the Yawning Monotony of Humdrum Rot,” has been placed on table of contents in league with some remarkable writers:

Feast Your Eyes on the Yawning Monotony of Humdrum Rot — Clint Smith 
The Passing — Joshua Rex
When Sleep At Last — Douglas Thompson
The Summer King’s Day — Timothy Granville
Roadkill — Elin Olausson 
It Looked Like Her — Gordon Brown
Little Gods To Live In Them — David Surface
We Are The Gorillas — Douglas Ford
The Body Trick — Alexander James
Feed  Jason A. Wyckoff
’Neath The Mirror Of The Sea  Rhonda Eikamp
Clipped Wings — Steve Toase
The Cardboard Voice — Tim Major
The Validations  Ashley Stokes
A Perfect Doll — Regina Garza Mitchell
Madam and Yves — Marc Joan
The Delf — Danny Rhodes
Where the Oxen Turned the Plow — Charles Wilkinson
Feast of Fools: A Heartwarming Holiday Romance — LC von Hessen